Are you in high school or college and think you might be pregnant? This might not have been in your plans, but just know that you are not alone. The staff at Dakota Hope Clinic understand the pressures and stress that come with being a student and we can help you navigate your current situation in a confidential manner.

Free & Confidential Services

As a student, we know your finances are limited and you value your privacy, especially during a time of uncertainty. Because we care about you and your health, our services are completely free and confidential.

If you think you might be pregnant, we can provide you with pregnancy confirmation services like free pregnancy testing and limited ultrasounds, as well as STD testing and treatment and pregnancy options education.

Find out if you’re really pregnant and learn about your options as a student by making an appointment at Dakota Hope Clinic today.

Answering Your Questions

Whether you are in high school or college, you likely have many questions about your situation and what to do next. We’re here to answer those questions for you and support you throughout your journey. Here are some common questions you may have:

  • Can I continue with this pregnancy and still finish school?
  • What will my friends think?
  • How do I tell my parents?
  • What if my partner isn’t supportive?
  • Can I afford a baby?
  • What if I don’t know anything about parenting?
  • Should I put my child up for adoption?
  • Is abortion right for me?

We can help you answer these questions and address any concerns you have during your free and confidential appointment at Dakota Hope Clinic. Contact us to request an appointment today.

Areas We Serve

We are happy to assist you no matter where you live! Below you will find a list of schools and cities we typically serve. If you need directions from your high school or college, or need assistance getting to your appointment, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today!

aBright Future.